No matter what speed or angle a car accident occurs at, the risk of suffering serious and debilitating physical harm is unfortunately still high. If your injury leads to a permanent loss of bodily function and/or permanent disfigurement, you may even have grounds to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for causing your wreck—a right that Florida’s “no-fault” approach to car crash litigation does not afford to everyone injured in this way.

Knowing a little bit in advance about the specific types of bodily harm that often stem from these sorts of accidents can be very helpful when it comes to building a comprehensive insurance claim or civil case after a crash. From head to toe, below are some common car accident injuries in Florida that you should be aware of—all of which a knowledgeable auto crash attorney from Distasio Law Firm could help you demand fair compensation for.

Traumatic Brain Damage

Brain trauma is a common and especially dangerous injury that people involved in Florida car wrecks may find themselves dealing with. Your head bouncing off your steering wheel, hitting your airbag at an awkward angle, or even being thrown forward suddenly could lead to a concussion or—in severe cases—a permanent loss of physical, sensory, and/or cognitive function.

Facial Lacerations

Even in low-speed crashes, broken glass from shattered windows and windshields can cause serious and sometimes permanently disfiguring harm to occupants of the vehicles involved. In addition to the face, lacerations like this commonly affect the hands, arms, and upper chest.


While a seatbelt can save your life in a high-speed traffic collision, it may not prevent your head from snapping forward suddenly and causing damage to the muscles and tendons in your neck. This type of injury, often called “whiplash,” is generally not permanent like spinal cord trauma but can still be debilitating in the short term.

Bone Fractures

Broken bones can occur in both low-speed and high-speed Florida traffic accidents, and they are particularly common in side-impact wrecks. Fractures tend to happen in the hands, arms, legs, and toes, but may impact more central areas like the ribs and pelvis in especially violent crashes.

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➤ Do You Have A Case?
➤ When To Call A Lawyer?
➤ Post-Accident Checklist?

Soft-Tissue Injuries

The vicious forces involved in a traffic accident can lead to your arms or legs being pulled or pushed in directions they are not meant to bend. This can lead to severe and sometimes debilitating damage to tendons, muscles, and even nerves in these areas of your body.

Crushing Injuries and Limb Amputation

Perhaps the most serious of all injuries common to Florida auto accidents are crushing injuries. These involve part of a vehicle occupant’s body being trapped between parts of their car and often result in long-term harm that can be expensive and difficult to treat. In extreme situations, someone may end up losing a hand, foot, arm, or leg as a result of a serious head-on or side-impact crash.

A Florida Attorney Could Help You Recover for Common Car Accident Injuries

Even if you know someone else is at fault for the harm you sustained in an auto collision, holding them financially accountable for your losses can be a challenging and complex process. Whether you want to recover through insurance negotiations or a civil lawsuit, assistance from capable legal counsel can be essential to achieving a positive case result.

When it comes to recovering for common car accident injuries in Florida, there is no substitute for a tenacious attorney’s assistance. Call today for a consultation with a legal professional at Distasio Law Firm.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm