Fatal Car Accidents Increasing in Florida

Both the population and the total number of motor vehicle drivers continues to grow in Florida. In 2000 there were 16 million people in this state and over 14 million drivers.  By 2016 those numbers had swelled to over 20 million people living in Florida and 16.5 million people with valid driver’s licenses.  As you would expect, as the number of drivers on the road increased, so did the number of fatal automobile accidents.  In 2016, there were 395,785 total crashes of which, 2935 were fatal crashes that lead to 3176 total deaths.  There was alcohol involved in 461 of those fatal accidents and drugs involved in 322 of them.  761 deaths involved a passenger car, 515 deaths involved a motorcycle, and 25 deaths involved a medium to heavy truck.  You can see more statistics about Florida fatal auto accidents at this official Florida website.

Holding the Wrongdoer Accountable for Causing a Fatal Accident

The wrongful death of a loved one can lead to devastation for the surviving family members.  The financial strain of lost wages, medical expenses, and funeral expense are only a fraction of the real costs of losing a loved one.  The truth is that the human losses often far outweigh the financial losses.  The loss of companionship, mental pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life can be overwhelming to spouses, children and parents.  Wrongdoers rarely take responsibility for the damage they have caused unless family members force them to be accountable for their actions.  Fortunately, Florida provides a way to do so.  In Florida, you can hold someone accountable for causing all of these damages in a fatal auto accident. Our attorneys are here to help you make this happen.  You can learn more about what damages are recoverable under the Florida Wrongful Death Act by clicking here.

Florida Fatal Accident Lawyer

What Are the Causes of Fatal Auto Accidents in Florida

Fatal traffic accidents are caused by many different factors.  In 2016, weather conditions like rain (186 deaths) and fog (46 deaths); roadway conditions like damaged roads (17 deaths), slippery roads (66 deaths), and construction zones (24 deaths); and lighting conditions such as night time with proper lighting (968 deaths) and nigh time without lighting (810 deaths) certainly play a role in fatal traffic accidents.  But the overwhelming cause of death on the roadways involves drivers failing to pay attention to what is going on around them.  These include drivers operating in a careless or negligent manner (795 deaths); drivers failing to yield right of way (529 deaths); failing to keep in proper lane (210 deaths); running off the roadway (165 deaths); speeding (130 deaths) and running a traffic control device like a red light (75 deaths) or stop sign (58 deaths).  Common types of fatal car crashes involve:

  • Head-On Car Accidents
  • Side Impact Car Accidents
  • Rear End Car Accidents
  • Distracted Driver Car Accidents
  • Intersection Car Accidents
  • Highway Car Accidents
  • Drunk Driving Car Accidents

Need a Wrongful Death Attorney in Florida? Call Today!

Our law firm has handled numerous wrongful death cases over the years. We know the law, we know the defense experts and we know how to prove your case. If you want to hold someone accountable for causing a fatal auto accident, or Florida fatal accident attorneys are here to help. Call us today to get the process started.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

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