An auto accident is an unexpected event that impacts your physical and financial health. You will likely have large medical bills as a result of the accident that you may or may not have coverage for. Depending on the severity of the crash, the damage to your car, and if you had gap insurance, you might even need to pay for a new vehicle to replace your existing one.

One thing is certain. An automobile accident can take a lot away from you. Car crash statistics show that individual car crash victims pay about 26% of all motor vehicle accident costs themselves. If your auto accident was caused by another person, it is possible to seek compensation for the damages. Often, an experienced auto accident attorney can reach a settlement with the insurance company or responsible party without having to try your case in court.

If you have been involved in an auto accident, you need an experienced attorney on your side to defend and represent you. Call Distasio Personal Injury Law at (813) 259-0022 to discuss the details of your auto accident case with a skilled and talented attorney with local experience. During your consultation, you will be able to learn which legal options would be the best ones to pursue in your individual case.

Benefits of Hiring an Auto Accident Attorney in New Tampa

Hiring an auto accident attorney can make or break your legal case. Hiring an experienced lawyer offers many benefits, including:

  • Reaching an out-of-court settlement
  • Quicker settlements
  • Higher settlement offers
  • Representation in complex legal cases
  • Access to better medical care

Common Auto Accident Injuries

An auto accident can cause a range of injuries, ranging from fairly minor to life-changing. Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Scrapes
  • Abrasions
  • Cuts
  • Head injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Herniated discs
  • Whiplash
  • Fractures
Distasio Law Firm


➤ Do You Have A Case?
➤ When To Call A Lawyer?
➤ Post-Accident Checklist?

Factors That Influence Compensation Amount

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s report on motor vehicle crash injuries, more than 75% of costs happen during the first 18 months after an auto accident. This makes it even more important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. The sooner that you’re able to hire an auto accident attorney, the sooner that you’ll be able to receive compensation for your injuries. Generally, access to evidence such as surveillance tapes becomes less likely over time. By hiring an auto accident attorney quickly after an accident, they will have the best chance of recovering this footage.

It isn’t possible to provide a thorough estimate of how much compensation you can expect to receive through a website or a blog post. It is different for every auto accident. Plus, the quality of your auto accident attorney can make a dramatic difference in what you can expect to receive. A newer or less experienced attorney often cannot secure the highest payouts or utilize their well-honed negotiation skills to reach a substantial settlement before the case goes to trial.

There are a few factors that can have an impact on the amount of compensation that you can expect to receive from your car accident. Here are a few to consider:

The Accident

The circumstances and the car accident itself have a lot to do with how much compensation you can expect to receive. For instance, an auto accident with a commercial truck or government vehicle could pay out more than an accident involving an uninsured driver. There are more assets involved, as well as different expectations regarding safe driving operations. In plain terms, getting struck by a school bus is different than being rear-ended by another individual by accident.

Other specifics about the accident could also factor into the compensation amount. Was someone distracted or sending text messages? Did a traffic light outage cause confusion? How many cars were involved? Was your car totaled or would simple cosmetic repairs suffice? The answer to these questions can help to clarify what kind of compensation could be possible because of the auto accident.

The Type of Medical Treatment Necessary

The type of medical treatment your injuries require will have a significant impact on the amount of compensation you could receive with the help of an auto accident attorney. Typically, the more severe and long-lasting the injury, the larger the payout. An injury that could be treated with simple stitches or an ice pack won’t receive the same amount of compensation as compared to someone losing a loved one or suffering a traumatic brain injury that hinders their ability to work.

Fault and Liability

The state of Florida is a no-fault state. Generally, this means that you work with your auto insurance company to pursue compensation after a car accident instead of going after the other driver. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t sue the other driver.

In Florida, there is comparative negligence, which is used to figure out the percentage of liability in negligence cases. In most cases, auto accidents happen due to negligence. The negligent party is responsible for their portion of the expenses. This means that you can take legal action against the other driver, even if you were partially liable for the accident. You cannot seek a settlement in instances where the accident was your fault.

Discuss Your Auto Accident Case with an Auto Accident Attorney in New Tampa

Most auto accident legal cases are fairly complex. Often, both parties feel victimized by the other and do not end up feeling that the accident was their fault. Hiring an auto accident attorney with experience working in New Tampa can be a smart step for anyone who has recently been injured in a car accident, as it will enable you to pursue legal action, if necessary. Contact Distasio Personal Injury Law at (813) 259-0022 to schedule a consultation with a skilled New Tampa area attorney you can trust.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm