Are Car Insurance Carriers Using Staged Car Accidents as an Excuse to Deny Real Claims?
As I have discussed in previous blogs, staged car accidents are a serious problem in Florida. After deliberately causing typically either a rear-end accident, sideswipe accident, or car accident, con artists take full advantage of the $10,000 Personal Injury Protection coverage for anyone involved in a crash by filing fraudulent claims and keeping the insurance money.
My Fox Tampa Bay reported studies show staged car accidents cost the state of Florida approximately $1 billion a year. This equates to approximately $100 per two car household each year. In order to cover costs, insurance companies have to raise their premiums on auto, property and health coverage.
An even bigger crime, however, may be how the car insurance industry is using this crisis to make money by denying legitimate claims. As a car accident lawyer in Tampa, I have noticed a disturbing trend. The car insurance carriers have been denying claims and or offering very little money when the injuries involve neck or back pain. They hire expert witnesses willing to testify for money that the client’s injuries were not caused by the car accident because they know that juries will question whether legitimately injured people are really just faking.
If you are the victim of a car crash, contact us or call one of our car accident lawyersย to help you get payment for the treatment you need.
As an ethical and trusted Tampa personal injury lawyer, Scott Distasio founded Distasio Law Firm in February of 2006, which focuses on all types of personal injury cases. He wanted to open a law firm that represented his belief that all firms should provide ethical and outstanding service to their clients.