The Power & Danger of Legal Advertising

Personal injury advertising campaign works for the same reason all good repetitive advertising campaigns work. The consumer becomes familiar with the images and words that are part of the campaign. Why Attorney...
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How to Choose a Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

The way most people hire a personal injury lawyer began to change in 1977 because the United States Supreme court decided a case called Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S....
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Steps in Resolving a Florida Personal Injury Case

Not every claim has the same steps and every client’s claim is different. But most personal injury claims involve the same general steps. Investigating the Claim During the investigation phase,...
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Some Florida Long Term Care Facilities Permit Pets

An increasing number of Florida nursing homes are permitting their residents to have pets. Experts believe the shift from banning animals to welcoming them has several reasons. The Sun Sentinel...
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Mail Order Pharmacy Dangers

The use of mail-order pharmacies has become increasingly popular in the last few years. Some health insurance companies even require their insured to order many medications online or over the...
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Mistaken Patient Identity Errors in Florida

The first article in this series discussed drug errors that can occur when two medications have similar names. Whether the names sound close to one another or have similar spellings, this kind...
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Rate of Suspect Slip and Fall Accidents Increasing Across the US

When a person visits a public place like a store, he generally have certain expectations. He probably expects the location to offer certain goods. He likely expects decent customer service....
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Failing to Adjust Medication Dosages

In this series, we have explored some of the many different ways that a patient might suffer harm as a result of a medication error. Once your doctor prescribes you...
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  • Updated: January 18, 2024 |
  • Category: Mass Tort

Texas’s Tort Reform Law Has Not Reduced Health Care Costs

In 2003, Texas amended its state constitution. The change set limits on medical malpractice lawsuit payouts. At the time, proponents of this tort reform argued that these limits would reduce...
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Taking A Medication That Is Not Safe For You

Top 10 medication errors. There are many reasons why a medication might be considered an unsafe medicine for a particular patient. In addition to concerns about drug allergies, some medications...
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Top 10 Medication Errors – Insulin Overdose

In hospitals, among the top 10 medication errors are insulin overdose and other insulin errors. Patients living with diabetes can suffer severe injuries and even death if they are administered...
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Failure to Identify a Drug Allergy

One of the most common types of medication errors patients face is a medical care provider’s failure to identify when a patient has a drug allergy. There are many protocols...
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North Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit and Citation: Nurse Pleads Guilty to Overdose Death

In yet another instance of nursing home drug abuse, a nurse at a North Carolina facility pleaded guilty to the overdose death of one of her patients two years ago....
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Getting the Wrong Dosage from Pharmacist or Doctor in Florida

The number of people who are made sick each year by medication errors is staggering. There is no mandatory reporting system in place for incidents when a doctor prescribed the...
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Medications with Similar Components Cause Accidental Overdose in Florida

One of the top 10 drug errors is accidental overdoses by taking drugs with similar components. Many medications have similar properties, even though they are used to treat different things....
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New Hampshire’s Medical Malpractice Early Offer Settlement Option

There is a great debate over how to handle medical malpractice cases. There are also many arguments and points of view. Despite evidence to the contrary, some believe tort reform and...
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Taking Multiple Drugs that Interact With Each Other

Medication errors are preventable, but happen far too often. Over 1.5 million people suffer from the effects of a medication mistake each year. Ten medicine mistakes happen more often than others and...
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Sweet Brook Rehabilitation & Nursing Center Lawsuit and Citation: Fall Leads to Resident’s Death

For most people, falling at home is inconvenient and potentially embarrassing. It can be painful, but it is rarely a serious event. This is not true for many elderly citizens,...
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Pre-Filled Medication Cartridges Could Cause Overdose

Modern technology has streamlined many aspects of life and medicine is no exception. Advances in both knowledge and equipment have improved length and quality of life. Other technological improvements have...
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Confusing Two Different Medications with Similar Names

Medication mistakes are more common than most people realize. While some who are given the wrong medicine do not suffer severe complications, over 1.5 million Americans get sick from taking the wrong...
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Feeding Tubes May Increase the Risk of Pressure Sores for Bedridden Residents

Pressure ulcers are caused by remaining in the same position for too long, which restricts blood flow and can kill the tissue. Also known as bed sores, they are difficult...
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Common Acne Medications Double the Risk of Eye Infections

For many Americans, one of the worst parts of puberty is acne. Some can control it with over the counter medications and good hygiene. But millions turn to prescription medications...
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New Jersey Granny Cam Footage Shows Resident Being Abused By Facility Staff

The debate over whether or not to use hidden cameras in nursing homes is a contentious one. Proponents argue that the “granny cams” help to identify nursing home abuse. Furthermore,...
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Pharmacy Errors More Common Than People Believe

Every day, patients around the developed world put their trust in pharmacists. These men and women have gone through years of schooling and training and know more about medications we...
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Without School Intervention Bully’s Victim Ends Up Paralyzed

When Sawyer Rosenstein was in middle school, he was bullied on a daily basis. Rather than hide it, ignore it, or fight back like many children, Rosenstein informed the principal...
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Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm