New Fabric Designed to Help Reduce the Risk of Pressure Sores

When a person remains in the same position for too long he can develop a pressure ulcer. Wounds can develop when blood flow to an area is reduced or obstructed...
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Rite Aid’s Wellness Ambassador Program Raises Concerns About Pharmacy Mistakes

If you are traveling and fall ill, you may find yourself at a Rite Aid pharmacy looking for relief. You may find a counter manned by an employee in a...
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Technology Is Not the Only Distraction Drivers Face

When discussing distracted driving, most experts focus on the dangers of technology. However, a recent accident in New Hampshire calls attention to the fact that other things can distract drivers...
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Florida Legislature Fails to Address Assisted Living Facility Neglect Despite Recommendations from the Governor’s ALF Task Force

In response to a growing number reports of assisted living facility abuse and the Miami Herald's series on ALF neglect, Florida governor Rick Scott charged a task force with finding...
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New Report Indicates Tort Reform Would Do Almost Nothing to Reduce Healthcare Costs

Healthcare is expensive, as is medical insurance. Experts have examined the origins of these costs and come up with numerous suggestions for how to reduce them. Tort Reform is one...
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Hospital Errors Often Go Unreported By Staff

A new report by the US Department of Health and Human Services found that more than 80 percent of hospital errors are unreported by staff. According to ABC News, the...
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Eye Drops and Wart Remover With Similar Sounding Names Results in Prescription Error

If a doctor prescribes you a medication and you take that order to a pharmacy, you do not expect to be given the wrong medicine. You expect to take the...
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Beauty Treatments at Florida Spas Should be Subject to Existing Plastic Surgery Regulations

Across the US, fewer than half of states require doctors who perform cosmetic surgery in their offices to have their office licensed or accredited. According to USA Today this means...
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Do Cell Phones Save Auto Accident Victims Lives?

There is a national debate going on over the safety of cell phone use by car drivers. Most people agree that cell phones can be a serious distraction and distracted...
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Pharmacy Errors Lawsuits and Citations: Nursing Home Linked to Illegal Kickbacks

An investigation by the California Department of Public Health uncovered numerous pharmacy errors made in nursing homes. During the course of the probe, officials found one woman with a history of...
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Florida Legislature Takes 14 Years to Resolve Car Accident Case with Government Employee

14 years ago, college-bound high school senior Eric Brody was on his way home from his part-time job when his car was hit by a Broward County Sheriff's Deputy, Christopher...
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Pharmacist Medication Review During Hospital Stay May Reduce Errors

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists examined a program in which hospital pharmacists were involved in discharging patients. According to the study, the percentage of patients discharged with a hospital medication...
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Even Small Overdoses of Tylenol Can Be Deadly

Reesults of a new study on the dangers of acetaminophen has revealed “staggered overdoses” may be just as dangerous as a single, larger overdose. A “staggered overdose” occurs when a...
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Florida Winn-Dixie Stores Recall Bulk Gummy Bears Due to Potential Contamination

Winn-Dixies stores in some Florida cities have recalled Sunrise Gummy Bears sold in their self-serve bulk candy areas. The candy in question may be contaminated with metal. It was sold...
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Data Indicates Nursing Home Abuse Likely to Continue

Nursing home abuse and neglect are not problems in every facility, but it is something that many residents experience. Hive Health Media (HHM) recently took existing data on nursing home...
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Medicare Cuts Have Resulted In Nursing Home Layoffs

In October, an 11.1% reduction in Medicare reimbursement rates for nursing homes went into effect. Over the next ten years, nursing homes across the country will lose a total of...
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  • Updated: February 9, 2024 |
  • Category: Insurance

Are Insurance Companies Using Your Social Media Activity Against You?

Insurance companies already consider what kind of car you drive, your driving history, your credit score, and your “insurance risk score” when determining how much your car insurance premiums will...
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Hospital’s Drug Storage Mistake Puts Thousands At Risk

California Health Department investigation uncovered a medication storage problem at Kaiser Foundation Hospital South San Fransisco. The investigation began when two patients received pneumonia vaccines and then died from the...
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Florida Supreme Court Limits Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement Abuses

It is a fairly common practice for nursing homes to require potential new patients and their families to sign agreements saying they will go into arbitration for legal disputes rather...
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  • Updated: January 18, 2024 |
  • Category: Insurance

What Car Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know

MSN Money recently published a list of insurance companies' top 10 “dirty little secrets.” 40 percent of these were related directly to auto insurance claims and policies. When you are...
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Similar Name Prescription Errors Can Cause Personal Injury

According to Oregon health officials, an alarming number of pharmacists are confusing two very different prescription drugs. Over the last three months the drugs Trazadone, used to treat anxiety, insomnia...
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FDA Lawyers Want to Regulate Florida Pharmacy Errors

In previous blogs, I have written extensively about how Franck’s Pharmacy caused the overdose and death of 21 polo horses in Ocala Florida. As a result, the FDA tried to...
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Florida Legislature Set to Look at Personal Injury Protection Reform

Florida's auto accident personal injury protection coverage was established in 1970 with the goal of reducing exploitation. Unfortunately it has recently been plagued by fraud and staged car accidents. Lawmakers...
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Are Snow Skiing and Snowboarding Safe?

The arrival of winter turns many American's thoughts toward blankets of snow. This can inspire some to venture north for snow skiing or snowboarding. Others avoid these activities, out of...
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Will Automated IV Systems Reduce Hospital Medication Errors?

When you’re sick enough to the point that you need to make a visit to the hospital, you generally expect and assume that you will be in the best possible...
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Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

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