When most people go out, there are certain problems that they think about. They include misplacing keys, losing wallets, or making sure that they get everything that they went out for. Slipping and falling is usually not something that we think about. The places that you go should be kept safe, including keeping the floors clean and safe to walk on. Unfortunately, slip and fall injuries are not as uncommon as you might think, and the results can be more than painful for most people.

Slip and fall injuries can result in mild to severe injuries, which could require medical services. If this is the case for you, then the owner of the place where you fell may be at fault of negligence and responsible for helping you with those medical costs. It is the responsibility of every locationโ€™s owner to ensure that the floors are free of debris, clean and stable, and safe to walk on. Although accidents do happen, they are still responsible for preventing slips and falls.

If you are involved in a slip and fall accident, then you need a Spring Hill slip and fall lawyer. A skilled local injury attorney with a good reputation and history of service is your best chance at a satisfactory resolution to your problem. Distasio Law Firm has the experience, expertise, and resources in Spring Hill, FL. to help you get the resolution that you are looking for. Give us a call so we can help you recover from your slip and fall injury.

Slip and Fall Compensation

One of the biggest questions from any legal action is, โ€œHow much will I get?โ€. A slip and fall accident is a personal injury case and the compensation follows similar guidelines as other cases. If the locationโ€™s owner is responsible for the accident, then he or she will be responsible for paying compensation. The amount of compensation changes on a case by case basis since every case leads to different outcomes and costs. However, there are several general classes of payments that the person or people at fault or responsible for.

In many cases, you can recover the cost of:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Physical impairment
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Negative impacts on the quality of your life

It is important to note that these categories of costs make it difficult to determine the value of the compensation that you will receive. For example, medical bills may be ongoing in a serious injury requiring more than one medical procedure or physical rehabilitation. Likewise, placing a value on the cost of disfigurement is even more difficult since it is hard to say what financial effect it will have on your life. On the other hand, determining the value of lost wages is much simpler since you can calculate how much work you missed after the injury.

To determine what amount or type of compensation you can expect, ask your lawyer to outline it for you. A law firm analyzes your case and looks for areas that qualify for compensation, as well as how much compensation is appropriate. An experienced Spring Hill slip and fall injury attorney can give you a better estimate of what to expect once he or she has had time to look at your case and do some research on similar cases. You may be entitled to a structured settlement or a one-time payout.

Do I Need a Slip and Fall Attorney in Spring Hill, Florida?

Determining if you need a slip and fall lawyer in Spring Hill is relatively easy. If you are injured in a slip and fall accident and you feel that the place where you fell is responsible, then you should consult a slip and fall attorney. A reputable attorney can tell you if your case is appropriate or if there is a reasonable chance of it succeeding. In some cases, a reputable attorney may tell you that a case is not worth taking to court. This usually happens when there is no chance of winning the case, or there is not enough legal precedent to filing charges. For example, slipping and falling in a public park right after it rains is not a case for suing the city. It would be next to impossible to say that the city is responsible for the ground being dangerous when wet.

Another easy way to tell if you need a slip and fall attorney is if you have unusual expenses because of your accident. Going to the doctor after your accident may not be a case to pursue because the cost of a doctor visit may be less than the cost of going to court. However, if you have to go to the emergency room and you are admitted to the hospital, that would be a reason to go to court since you could recover those costs from the person/people at fault. It is all relative to what you could get out of going to court.

If you have any questions about going to court, the process, or determining if you need a slip and fall attorney, consult a trip and fall lawyer in Spring Hill. At the least, you will get the full unbiased opinion from legal professionals on your situation. A consultation with a lawyer is never a bad thing, especially when you are trying to figure out what you should do next.

Call Now to Speak with a Spring Hill Slip and Fall Attorney

If you or someone that you know was involved in a slip and fall accident, call Distasio Law Firm. We are a personal injury law firm that handles slip and fall cases in and around Spring Hill, FL. We have years of experience helping clients through slip and fall cases, as well as getting the compensation that they deserve. Call a Spring Hill slip and fall lawyer now.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Offices in Wesley Chapel and Largoย are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm