If you suffered injuries in a back-end crash in St. Petersburg or elsewhere in Pinellas County, you may be able to hold the at-fault driver accountable with help from a St. Petersburg rear-end collision lawyer from Distasio Law Firm. Suffering serious injuries in a car accident can impact almost every area of your life.

Recovering compensation to cover the damages you suffered can help you reduce your stress, get the care you need, and take other steps toward getting your life back to normal. Reach out to an experienced auto collision attorney at Distasio Law Firm today to learn more about how we may be able to help. You will always work directly with an attorney, never a case manager.

To learn if you may have the right to take legal action and hold the driver responsible for your rear-end accident accountable, call now for your free case evaluation.

Learn more about Rear End Car accidents in Florida.

Backside Accidents Occur Because of Many Reasons

In general, people tend to think of rear-end collisions as pretty simple. They assume they are relatively minor accidents where one driver bumps the back of another vehicle. However, this is not always how things go. Sometimes they involve big impacts that cause severe injuries.

Determining who is at fault in a rear-end accident is usually quite straight forward. These accidents do occur frequently and are the fault of the rear driver in the vast majority of cases. In fact, according to an analysis of more than 100,000 driversโ€™ habits over more than 50 years conducted by Smith System, a leader in professional driver training, inadequate following distance is the most common driving error. This could indicate one reason why rear-end accidents are the most common type of accident.

However, there are also many other causes of rear-end collisions. This includes:

  • Not paying attention and distracted driving
  • Failing to react fast enough to stop
  • Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
  • Losing control of the vehicle, often in rain or other poor conditions

At the same time, not all rear-end accidents are minor, either. Many cause serious or even catastrophic injuries, and some cause fatal injuries. Florida car insurance laws set strict limits on who can file a personal injury lawsuit, and the stateโ€™s Wrongful Death Act, Florida Statute 768.21, limits who can pursue compensation as survivors of an accident victim who passed away. Still, you may qualify if you were a victim of one of these accidents.

If we believe your case has merit, our St. Petersburg rear-end crash attorneys can launch an investigation right away. We handle these cases on a contingency basis, committing the necessary financial resources to build a strong case and navigate the claims process or take your case to court. We only get paid following a settlement or verdict.

Distasio Law Firm


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Working With a Car Accident Lawyer in St. Petersburg From Distasio Law Firm

At Distasio Law Firm, we are committed to putting accident victims first. If we agree to take your case, you can rest assured that we will focus on the services and representation you need to hold the liable driver accountable and recover compensation to pay your bills and cover other accident-related losses.

We believe injured parties should be able to hold a careless, reckless, or negligent driver responsible for the damages they caused and the pain and suffering they endured. To this end, we may be able to file an insurance claim based on the at-fault driverโ€™s auto liability policy or take your personal injury lawsuit to court.

To learn more about how a St. Petersburg back-end accident lawyer from Distasio Law Firm may be able to help you with your traffic accident case, call now to speak with a member of our team.

Recoverable Damages If We Secure a Settlement or Verdict in Your St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision Case

If an attorney from Distasio Law Firm is able to secure an insurance settlement or award in your St. Petersburg rear-end collision case, you could stand to recover compensation for all the damages we were able to prove you suffered as a result of the accident. This makes our efforts to document your injuries, expenses, losses, and other damages a key part of the case against the at-fault driver.

Recoverable damages may include current and future losses related to your accident and injuries, such as:

  • Medical expenses for assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of your accident injuries
  • Ongoing care costs as required based on your injuries and prognosis
  • Lost wages and reduced capacity to earn
  • Repair or replacement of your vehicle
  • Other property damages you sustained
  • Out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the accident
  • Pain and suffering, mental anguish, and other non-economic damages
  • Wrongful death damages for those who qualify

Deadline for Filing a St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawsuit

If we cannot reach a fair settlement by filing an insurance claim based on the liable driverโ€™s auto liability coverage, we may need to pursue a legal case against them by filing a personal injury lawsuit. This type of civil case will put them on trial to determine if they owe you compensation for their role in your accident. We will represent you throughout this process.

Under Floridaโ€™s statute of limitations on personal injury cases, Florida Statute 95.11, Distasio Law Firm only has up to two years to file this type of court action. However, we need time to gather evidence, build your case, and take other steps, so we encourage you to call us early on after your injuries occur.

A St. Petersburg Rear-End Collision Attorney Could Help

If you suffered injuries in a rear-end car accident, a St. Petersburg rear-end collision lawyer from Distasio Law Firm may be able to represent you and take legal action on your behalf. You may qualify to file a claim or suit and hold the at-fault driver accountable for their negligent actions behind the wheel.

Call Distasio Law Firm today for a free review of your case.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Offices in Wesley Chapel and Largoย are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm