Property owners and occupiers in and around Tampa have a responsibility to ensure their property is as safe as possible for customers, clients, guests, and other visitors. This includes taking action to reduce the risk of slips and falls when possible. If a slippery floor causes a fall and the person suffers injuries, the property owner may be held accountable for the victimโs medical care, pain and suffering, and other harm they suffered.
To prove a slippery floors case and recover compensation, you will need to show that the occupier of the property knew about the hazardous condition of the floor, should have known about it, or should have foreseen that an injury might occur as a result of the hazardous condition. This is sometimes difficult, but a Tampa slippery floors lawyer from Distasio Law Firm can help.
Call an experienced premises liability attorney now for a free review of your case.
Slippery Floors May Cause Serious Injuries
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), some of the most common fall injuries include:
- Bruises and bumps.
- Sprains and strains.
- Scratches and scrapes.
- Cuts.
- Fractures.
In some cases, these injuries may be serious. Slips and falls can also lead to traumatic brain injuries and chronic neck or back injuries. When seniors are hurt in a fall, they have an increased risk of breaking a hip or their pelvis, which can lead to further health risks.
This is why property owners must take steps to reduce the risk of slippery floors when possible. Causes of slippery floors may include:
- Improper cleaning or use of the wrong cleaning products.
- Polished surfaces without rugs or other traction.
- Tracked rain, or pool or beach water.
- Tracked sand or other materials.
- Leaks.
- Food or drinks spilled in restaurants or grocery stores.
When our capable attorneys review your Tampa slippery floors case, we will attempt to find out who was in charge of maintaining a safe, hazard-free environment where you fell. We will then determine if there is enough evidence to hold them accountable for your injuries.
If we decide there is, and agree to take your case, you can count on our team to commit both the time and financial resources necessary to build a strong case and pursue the payout you deserve. To get started, call Distasio Law Firm today.
Options for Recovering Damages Following a Tampa Slip and Fall
If our skilled Tampa slippery floors attorneys believe you can build a case and hold the property owner accountable for your slip and fall injuries, we may approach your case in two ways:
- We can negotiate an insurance settlement based on the value of your damages
- We can take your case to court if the insurance company refuses to agree to a just settlement based on the value of your case
Your dedicated slippery floors lawyer in Tampa will gather the evidence needed to support your claim, including proof of your injuries, expenses, losses, and other damages. This allows our team to put a fair value on your case and determine if the insurance company is negotiating fairly.
Possible recoverable damages after a fall include:
- Medical care costs for your injuries.
- Lost income from time away from work and reduced capacity to earn if you cannot return.
- Damage to any personal property, often eyeglasses and smartphones.
- Out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of the fall.
- Pain and suffering and other intangible losses.
- Wrongful death damages, in the rare instance, when a victim passes away as a result of their Tampa slip and fall injuries.
Statute of Limitations on Taking Civil Action After a Tampa Slip and Fall
The statute of limitations on filing a lawsuit in a Tampa slip and fall case is set by Florida Statute ยง 95.11. This statute sets a two-year time limit for filing these cases, and it applies in most falls. There are some exceptions that may alter the timeline, such as if the fall occurred in a park or a public beach. Different laws may apply when then liable party is a government agency, when the victim is a child, or when the fall occurs in a nursing home.
When you discuss your case with Distasio Law Firm, we will review the details of your fall, identify the possible liable parties, and determine the deadline or deadlines that may apply in your case.
Get in Touch with a Tampa Slippery Floors Attorney
At Distasio Law Firm, we always put our clients first. We provide the services, support, and representation injury victims need to reduce their stress and focus on healing from their injuries. While you concentrate on getting better, we will build a case to hold the liable party responsible for the harm you suffered because of your Tampa-area fall.
You can speak to someone from Distasio Law Firm about your slip and fall case today at no cost to you. We offer complimentary case evaluations and can explain your options for seeking compensation based on the facts of your situation. If we believe you have a case against the property owner, a Tampa slippery floors lawyer from Distasio Law Firm can take on your case at no out-of-pocket expense to you.
Call now for your consultation with a member of our team serving Tampa, Florida, fall victims.