A spinal injury can dramatically alter your life. After damaging your spine, you might no longer be able to walk your dog, pick up your child, ride your bike, or even go to your job. Some spinal injuries are so severe that you may need to move from your home to a residential care facility that can provide you with the assistance you need in your daily life.
If another person or company’s negligence resulted in your spine injury, there might be legal options available to you. A Wesley Chapel spinal cord injury lawyer could help you determine if pursuing a legal claim is the right decision for your family. Contact the dedicated team of Wesley Chapel catastrophic injury attorneys at Distasio Law Firm today to schedule your free case review.
Frequent Causes of Spine Injuries in Wesley Chapel
Many spine injuries happen because of unintentional, yet preventable, acts by other people or entities. A large number of spinal injuries could have been avoided if the people involved had acted responsibly instead of recklessly.
Some of the most common causes of spinal trauma include:
- Automobile crashes in Wesley Chapel
- Falls from heights such as ladders, scaffolding, and roofs, such as on construction sites
- Falls due to slippery, wet, or uneven walking surfaces or tripping hazards
- Recreational and sporting accidents, such as boating, horseback riding, diving, or hunting accidents
- Medical errors, such as surgery mistakes, infections, or birth trauma
In addition to injuries caused by unintentional mistakes, some spinal trauma happens because of intentional acts of violence. Physical assaults, shootings, and stabbings can all damage a person’s spinal cord.
Regardless of whether someone caused your injury intentionally or unintentionally, they should still pay for their actions. A hardworking Wesley Chapel spinal cord injury attorney could work tirelessly to ensure that the at-fault parties are held accountable for the full-extent of your losses.
The Varying Degrees of Spinal Damage
Spinal trauma affects people differently depending on the severity of the damage and the location of the trauma on the affected person’s body. Trauma to the spine can damage vertebrae. Sometimes, the trauma completely severs the spinal cord. Other times, the trauma compresses the vertebrae—damaging or destroying the nerves that carry signals from the brain through the spinal cord to other areas of the body. Depending on the type of damage, the injury is either complete or incomplete.
Incomplete Spinal Damage
People with incomplete spinal cord injuries retain some feeling and the ability to control or move the parts of the body located below the damaged area. With quality medical care and aggressive therapy, some people with incomplete spine injuries are able to make full recoveries and resume productive lives.
Complete Spinal Damage
People with complete injuries lose all feeling and motor control below the damaged area of their body. In addition to mobility limitations, many people with complete spinal injuries also face chronic pain, respiratory problems, and bladder, bowel, and sexual problems. They might need to modify their homes or offices to make them more handicapped accessible. They may also need to hire a home health care aide to help them get dressed, shower, and eat.
Our team of experienced lawyers in Wesley Chapel understand just how debilitating spinal injuries can be. They could work aggressively on your behalf to get you the money you need to go about your life as comfortably as possible with your new condition.
Work with a Wesley Chapel Spinal Cord Injury Attorney
After suffering spinal trauma, the most important thing you can do is to get the best medical care. The degree of your recovery could depend on the quality of the care you get both immediately following your accident and in the weeks and months to follow. A Wesley Chapel spinal cord injury lawyer at Distasio Law Firm could fight to get you the financial compensation that you need to put towards your recovery. Call today to set up an initial consultation.